Easter Island: The Civilization Mystery Behind the Giant Statues
5. The Decline of the Rapa Nui Civilization

For decades academics have been fascinated by the multifarious and complicated question of the fall of the Rapa Nui civilisation. Many elements helped to bring about the social shifts that resulted in the Easter Island once-thriving community's downfall. Gaining the knowledge of these elements helps one to appreciate the difficulties experienced by the Rapa Nui people.
Degradation of the surroundings was one of the main causes of the fall. Growing demand for resources as the population developed caused overuse of the island's natural surroundings. Trees were removed for lumber, tool manufacture, and moai transportation, therefore causing deforestation. Among the major effects of lost forests were erosion of the soil, loss of biodiversity, and lower agricultural output.
The Rapa Nui's capacity to maintain their population suffered as well from resource depletion. Food shortages proliferated as agricultural production fell. This shortage probably caused more demand for resources, which heightened social unrest and conflict inside the society. Once united, the society started to split as various groups fought for control over few resources.
Furthermore presenting fresh difficulties for the Rapa Nui were the entrance of European explorers in the 18th century. The populace suffered even more from the effect of alien diseases to which the islanders lacked protection. European influence upset established customs and helped the Rapa Nui culture to fade.
The fall of the civilisation also had internal turmoil playing a part. Social tensions grew as resources were more limited, which resulted in power conflicts among the island's officials. As the society struggled with survival, fresh moai construction stopped and the emphasis moved from ancestor worship.
All all, a mix of environmental damage, resource depletion, outside pressures, and internal strife caused the Rapa Nui civilisation to fall. Knowing these elements helps one to appreciate the difficulties the Rapa Nui people confront as well as the lessons their past may teach.
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