Particularly if you are not even aware that you are a sleepwalker, sleepwalking can be a terrible and even deadly activity. Could you picture receiving a note from a neighbour warning you of your tendency for sleepwalking? Finding out that you go about the neighbourhood in your underpants at night, ranting at your automobile, would most likely be something terrifying and disturbing. At least now, their neighbour provides a warning! Showing their face about the neighbourhood after that must be somewhat embarrassing for them. How therefore, could they know if they were sleepwalking or intoxicated? This surprising discovery concerning nighttime activity emphasises the possibly severe character of sleep problems. Somnambulism, or sleepwalking, can place people in hazardous circumstances without their knowledge or permission. Such behaviour in a neighbourhood environment has especially difficult social consequences to negotiate. Beyond the immediate humiliation, this scenario begs questions about personal safety and the need of getting medical assessment for sleep disorders. By leaving a note, the neighbour shows a community-minded approach to a delicate matter and chooses to inform rather than humiliate the impacted person.